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The Key To Managing Sciatica

2022 was supposed to be the summer that Iggy Azalea would be touring with Pitbull. No doubt, the “Fancy” singer and her fans were beyond excited for this concert series. But in the middle of touring, she had to suddenly stop. On July 30th, she Tweeted: “So, I have sciatica. So fun!” She had to abruptly stop touring and manage this debilitating nerve pain.

What is Sciatica?

80% of people experience low back pain at some point in their life. At any given moment, nearly 9% of people are experiencing back pain right now. Yet, navigating back pain is often frustrating and confusing. The causes of back pain are numerous: nerve, muscle, joint, ligament, weakness, instability, trauma – all of which further branch out into other conditions.

When it comes to low back pain, sciatica has become a household name in the medical community and public alike. Sciatica is pain or irritation of the sciatic nerve. It typically happens down one leg. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve of the body. It stems from the spinal cord, and runs down the back side of the buttock and leg, and branches further into the calf and feet.

The sciatic nerve can become irritated in three main regions: the low back, the buttock, and the back of the thigh. People with sciatica often experience the following:

  • Pain or irritation along the low back, buttock or thigh.
  • Numbness and tingling down the leg.
  • Pain aggravation with sitting, standing, or walking.


    What Can Be Done?
    Navigating sciatica can be scary. Having the right guidance is key. Our therapists at Myodetox can help determine the source of sciatica, and dedicate treatment specific to your needs.

    Full-Body Assessment

    Our therapists are trained to identify the easing and aggravating factors associated with your sciatica. A proper full-body assessment ensures that nothing is missed, and that clarity towards your pain and movement concerns is provided.

    Hands-on Therapy

    Sciatica is often associated with movement restriction of the sciatic nerve. This means that a structure in the body may be pinching or impeding movement of the sciatic nerve, causing irritation and even pain. Whether it is joint, fascia, or muscle, taking a hands-on approach can provide alleviation of pain and freedom of movement.

    Examples of hands-on therapy include joint mobilizations, myofascial techniques, muscle mobilizations, cupping therapy, acupuncture, and dry needling.


    Sciatica can significantly reduce your mobility. However, there is strong evidence supporting specific movements and exercises to regain your overall mobility. Finding a way to move safely requires a healthcare professional by your side. Our therapists will ensure you can progress your movement so that sciatica becomes a thing of the past.

    Examples of exercises include sciatic nerve sliders and tensioners, mobility drills, and strength training. Your therapist will ensure that the appropriate treatment plan is clearly laid out so that you can get back to living your life, and doing what you love.

    manage sciatica

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3 min read

3 Exercises To Help With Sciatica Pain Relief

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3 Exercises To Help With Sciatica Pain Relief

First off, what is sciatica? Simply put, it’s a pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from your low back to your buttock and down the back of your thigh and calf.

With the sciatic nerve being the longest and largest nerve in the body, you can imagine how debilitating it would be to have it aggravated.

Of course, manual therapy can help with sciatica pain relief but when you couple treatments with these three at home exercises, your sciatic nerve won’t be pissed off anymore.


Nerve Flossing

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair and bring your affected leg up with the knee extended
  2. Plantarflex your foot (point your toes down) and simultaneously flex your head forward (bring your chin to your chest). Hold this position for 3 seconds.
  3. Next, dorsiflex your foot (point your toes up) and simultaneously extend your head backward (look up to the ceiling). Hold this position for 3 seconds.
  4. Transition through each step smoothly and slowly
  5. Steps “b to c” count as one repetition. Perform 8 reps, 3 times a day


Piriformis stretch

  1. Laying comfortably on your back, bring your affected leg toward your torso and lay it across the unaffected leg, as shown in the photo
  2. Pull the unaffected leg toward you and simultaneously push the affected leg away from you
  3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, 3 reps, 3 times a day


Lumbar extension

  1. Lay on your stomach with your arms bent and hands by your ears
  2. Gently push up onto your forearms and extend your low back  
  3. To take it one step further, push up onto your hands while keeping your pelvis glued to the floor as best you can (sloppy push-up), and again further extending your low back  
  4. Hold for 10 seconds, 6 reps, 3 times a day  

As always, take it easy and be cautious with the sciatica exercises. You want to calm the sciatic nerve down, not irritate it even more. You will feel some discomfort with these exercises, but hey… no pain, no gain right? That being said, work within your own tolerance and stop any of these exercises if the pain worsens.