2 min read

Dr. Kurt Hoverson

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Avoid Hip Pain By Adding Three Exercises To Your Daily Routine

Many things can cause hip pain, such as previous injuries, prolonged periods spent sitting, hip/pelvis alignment, and decreased hip mobility.

Pain can be present anywhere around the hip, but the most common areas are the front or side. You might also experience a decreased range of motion in your hip due to pain and tight or weak muscles. You may even notice limping while walking and have trouble bearing weight on the painful leg.

You are most likely to experience hip pain if you sit for long periods, have recently picked up a new sport/ activity/ exercise (ex. running), or if you already suffer from back pain due to altered movement patterns.

In most cases, the treatment can also serve as a form of prevention for hip pain! The goal is to return as much range of motion as possible to the hip, then learn to control and keep that motion.

The following exercises are intended to be down 2-3x/day and prioritizing at least one session right before a workout.

Windshield Wipers
Start position Knees bent and upper body reclined back, with arms supporting.

End position Rotate knees to one-side, trying to keep your chest “tall and proud”. Then repeat on your other side.

You should feel tension on the side and back of your hip.

Complete 10 reps, 2x each direction.

Hip Flexor-Hamstring Stretch
Guy doing hip flexor stretch

Start positionHalf-kneeling position, squeeze glute of back leg and drive knee forward.

TIP: If you feel pain in your low back, you’re going too far.

End position Sit back on your heel and keep your front leg straight as you fold your spine forward.

You should feel a stretch through the front of your kneeling leg and a stretch through the back of your front leg.

Complete 8 reps, 3x each leg

Guy doing load exercise
Start position Split-stance position, with equal weight between both legs; both feet flat.

End position Move your body forward over your front leg and shift your hip toward the side. Back foot is on your toes, with ~70% of your weight now on your front leg. Reach your front arm straight overhead.

You should feel a tension stretch through side of your hip.

Complete 8 reps, 3x each leg

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2 min read

Kaila Lunny

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Increase Your Mid-Back Mobility With These Three Exercises

The thoracic spine, also known as the middle back, is the middle section of the back, where our ribcage connects and helps protect our organs.

Functional mobility in the middle back (mid-back) is essential. A lack of mid back mobility over time can be a significant factor of improper breathing techniques, neck pain, low back pain, and shoulder pain. Those who are most at risk for losing thoracic motion include office workers, professional drivers, new moms, or anyone sustaining poor postures.

Maximizing your mid back mobility is the first step in overcoming mid back stiffness. The more you can build new movements into your daily routine, the sooner you will feel better. The second step is building control in those directions, adding strength and familiarity to those movements.

To help increase the mobility of your mid-back, try these three exercises.

Standing Rib Cage Rotation

Start position Stand in a mini lunge. Raise the arm on the same side as your front leg to shoulder height and the opposite arm straight above your head.

Rotate the ribs as far as you can towards the front leg. Keep legs and arms in the same position.

End position After 3-5 seconds, rotate back to starting position.

Complete 8-10 times on both sides, 2-3 times daily.

Standing Thoracic Extension With Double Arm Reach
Standing Ribcage Rotation

Start position Stand in a mini lunge. Arms long by side. Tuck bottom under to limit lower back movement.

End position Raise both arms and lift chest upwards to extend mid back.

Complete 5 times on both sides, 2-3 times daily.

Side Bend Stretch
Girl stretching her back
Start position Stand in a mini lunge. Lace hands behind neck at base of neck, keep elbows wide.

End position Lift one elbow up to the ceiling. Allow ribcage to tilt to one side. Feel stretch between ribs and pelvis.

Complete 5 times on both sides, 2-3 times daily.

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3 min read


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Osteoarthritis 101

What do Jack Nicklaus, Shaquille O’Neal, and Dorothy Hamill have in common? Aside from being legends in their respective sports, they are all individuals who managed osteoarthritis while competinging in professional sports.

Modern medicine has deemed osteoarthritis (OA) as a “wear and tear” injury.Though it corresponds with previous injury and age, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk of getting OA, minimize the impact of OA, and maximize your mobility, if you have it.

The Facts

There are more than 100 forms of arthritis that affect our joints, but the most common kind is osteoarthritis. Here are the facts:

  • Nearly 10% of the US population experiences OA – that’s over 30 million people.
  • 60% of cases are women.
  • OA costs the US over 130 billion annually.
  • Over 30% of people with OA experience depression and anxiety.

    Often labeled the “wear and tear” disease, osteoarthritis leads to degradation of the cartilage and surrounding structures – bone, ligaments, and fatty tissue of the joint. The changes caused by osteoarthritis can deform the shape of the affected bones leading to inflammation, stiffness, reduced mobility, aches, and pain.

    Typically, cartilage is a tough connective tissue that absorbs force and facilitates smooth movements between two bones. With osteoarthritis, this cartilage breaks down leading to rougher movement between two bones, and possible bone-on-bone contact.

    OA is most often felt as stiffness in the morning, with pain further aggravated with activity. People with OA will experience movement restriction with daily activities such as walking, sit-to-stand, and going up/down stairs. The extent of damage is typically determined by a physical assessment, mobility screen, and X-ray.


    Who Gets Osteoarthritis?
    Osteoarthritis can happen at any joint. It typically occurs at the knees, hips, low back, hands, and neck. Note that these regions typically experience significant weight-bearing and movement.

    Those most at risk for developing osteoarthritis are over 50 years old. If you’ve had a previous injury at a joint (e.g. meniscal tear or an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear), your risk of developing osteoarthritis increases. Moreover, if you are overweight or inactive, your risk for OA also increases.


    What Causes Osteoarthritis?
    There are several factors that may contribute to developing OA:

  • Age: risk increases if you are over 50 years old.
  • Previous injury: if you have injured a joint before via bone fracture, cartilage damage, tendon tear, or ligament tear.
  • Obesity: excessive weight leads to stress of the joints.
  • Overuse: repetitive stress to a joint may lead to OA.
  • Gender: women are much more likely to develop OA compared to men.
  • Musculoskeletal dysfunction: if you have misaligned joints, muscle weakness, or a tendinopathy, you may be at risk for OA.
  • Environment: at the end of the day, modifiable risk factors may contribute to your OA such as occupation, physical activity levels, hormones, movement patterns, and bone density.

    What Can You Do About It?
    The most severe cases of osteoarthritis restrict specific patterns of movement, and limit daily mobility. Depending on the extent of damage and activity limitation, some cases require surgical intervention e.g. total knee replace, total hip replacement, and joint fusions to name a few.

    Thankfully, there are several interventions you can do with your physical therapist to reduce the impact of osteoarthritis:

  • Lose weight: did you know that for every 1lb in the body, 3-4 lbs of weight are placed on the knee when you walk and go up/down stairs? Losing any weight can reduce stress to the joints affected by OA.

  • Stretch: OA typically leads to muscle tension at the corresponding joints. For example, knee OA may lead to quadriceps, hamstring, hip flexors, and glute tightness. Having a stretch routine dedicated to improving range of motion and mobility can protect against OA, even if you already have it.

  • Strength train: OA can lead to muscle weakness, further contributing to muscle tightness, immobility, and pain. Having a strength routine under the guidance of your physical therapist can improve mobility and reduce pain. This may include full-body workout such as swimming, cycling, and compound movements performed safely e.g. weight-lifting.

  • Manual therapy: joint mobilizations can be performed to maximize available movement at a joint. Treatment of the muscles contributing to movement restriction and pain may involve massage techniques, myofascial techniques, cupping therapy, acupuncture, and dry needling.

  • Medication and alternative therapies: your physician can help determine other forms of treatment to manage pain while you maintain mobility such as over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs.

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